1. Contact Information
Name: Haigang WANG
Date of Birth : 01/11/1968
Present Position: Professor
Phone:186 0023 2448
2. Education (please start from Bachelor degree)
07/1989 Shandong University Law Bachelor of Law
07/2011 The University of Guelph Economics Master of Arts in Economics
07/2005 Peking University Economics PhD in Economics
3. Working Experiences (including both full time and part time job)
02/2008-Present School of Economics, CUFE State-owned Professor
09/1997-02/2008 Lingnan College, Sun Yat-sen University State-owned Lecturer, Associate Professor
4. Main Research Fields
Microeconomics, Experimental Economics
5. Visiting Experiences
2002.6-2003.5 Cornell University Department of Economics
2004.7-2004.11 The University of Melbourne Department of Economics
6. Research projects (2014—2018)
10/2012 2013-2016 New Century Supporting Fund National Ministry of Education 200,000 RMB
05/2014 2014-2016 Evaluation of the mobility of Incomes in China National Foundation of Social Science 200,000 RMB
7. Publications (including journal articles, conference papers, monographs, book chapters, translations, edit works, etc.) (2014—2018)
Journal articles
Haigang Wang, Shaoan Huang The Effects of Vocational Training on Non-farming Incomes Economic Research Journal Vol. 45, No.9. 2009, 128-139
Xu xianxiang, Haigang Wang Dynamics of Factor Payment: Evidence from China Economic Research Journal Vol. 43, No. 2, 2008, 106-118
Haigang Wang, Kaiguo Zhou, Shi Li, The Differences in Rate of Return to Schoolings in Urban China and an Explanation Economic Research Journal Vol. 42 No. 8, 2007, 73-81
Haigang Wang Household Income Mobility and its Equalizing Long-term Incomes in China Economic Research Journal Vol.40, No.1, 2005, pp.56-66
Conference papers
Wang, Haigang Effects of Vocational Training on Wage Income for Villagers: the Evidence from Rural China
Seminar at Department of Economics, West University of Ontario 08/2012
Zhang, Jian Li, Tao Wang, Haigang College Students on the Job Market and the Screening of Prospective Employers: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in China Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (formerly the American Agricultural Economics Association) 2016 Annual Meeting, July 31-August 2, Boston, Massachusetts Monographs
Haigang Wang Income Distribution and Income Mobility in China Sun Yat-sen University Press Jan. 2007
8. Teaching Experience (2014—2018)
2012-2015 Managerial Economics Compulsory MBA
2012-2015 Advanced Microeconomics Compulsory M
2012-2016 Game theory Compulsory U
9. Government & Academic Positions (2014—2018)
Period (mm/dd/yyyy) Government/Academic Institutions/Associations/Journals Position
2005-now Editional Board Of Economic Research Journal Reviewer
2005-now Editional Board Of the Journal of World Economy Reviewer
2005-now Editional Board Of Social Science in China Reviewer