1. Contact Information
Name: Shufang WANG
Date of Birth :12/10/1969
Position: Associate Professor
Main research fields:
Phone: 13439392628
2. Education
9/1988~6/1992 Central university of finance and economics School of finance Bachelor of economics
9/1992~1/1995 Central university of finance and economics School of accountancy Master of economics
9/2003~3/2008 Central university of finance and economics School of accountancy PhD in management
3. Working Experiences
4/1995~9/1999 School of inwestment State-owned teacher
9/1999~present School of accountancy State-owned teacher
4. Main Research Fields
The study on R&D, Auditing theory and Practice
5. Research projects (2014—2018)
2018/6 2018/6-2019/6 Research on Accumulation of Technical Skills and Teaching Transformation in Accounting Industry China Accounting Society
6. Publications
Journal articles
Zhao Xunyuan/ Li Xiaomei/ Wang Shufang Deepening the Reform of Accounting Teaching by New National Standard Journal of Higher Education 2018(21)
You Li ShuFang Wang A course in Modern Political Economics Economic Science Press 1/2015
Book chapters, translations, edit works, etc.
Li You/Wang Shu Fang Newly Compiled Political Economics Beijing Normal University Press 8/1/2018
Li You/Wang Shu Fang Modern Political Economics Course Economic Science Press 1/1/2015
7. Teaching Experience(2014—2018)
1/2014~present Theory and Practice on Advanced Auditing master candidate MPACC
1/2011~present financial accounting master candidate MBA
1/2011~present auditing Bachelor candidate Bachelor candidate
8. Consulting Services(2014—2018)
1/2011~1/2015 Beijing Guanghuanxinwang Technology CO. LTD Property Privately operated independent director
6/2016~present Beijing Guangan Holding CO. LTD Property State-owned Outside director
9. Government & Academic Positions (2014—2018)
1/2011~present Beijing Institute Of Certified Public Accountants Training Specialist
10. Awards & Honors (2014—2018)
2015 CUFE Excellent Teacher