1. Contact Information
Name: Guoping LI
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy): 02/23/1968
Position: Professor
Phone: 62288700
2. Education
09/01-2001-05/28/2003 University of California-Berkeley School of Information System and Management Master of Science in Information System and Management
1997.09.01-1999.06.01 Yale University International Relations and Regional Studies Master
09/01/1994-07/01/1997 Renmin University of China Department of International Politics PhD in International Politics
09/01/1985-07/01/1989 Hengyang Normal College Department of History Bachelor of Arts in History
3. Working Experiences(including both full time and part time job)
Period (mm/dd/yyyy) Employer Ownership(State-owned/Private/Joint venture/Foreign firm, etc.) Position
10/29/2015-present CUFE State-owned Professor
10/30/2010-10/28/2015 CUFE State-owned Associate Professor
07/07/2005-10/30/2010 CUFE State-owned Assistant Professor
4. Main Research Fields
China's Capital Market, Private Equity and Venture Capital, Law and Economics
5. Visiting Experiences
1997.09.01-1999.06.01 Yale University International Relations and Regional Studies
2001.09.01-2003.06.01 University of California-Berkeley School of Informmation System and Management
6. Research projects (2014—2018)
06/25/2015 06/25/2015-06/24/2018 A Statisitcal Study on Compensation Standards for Ecosystem Value from Perspective of Carbon Emission National Foundation of Social Scicences 300,000
7. Publications (including journal articles, conference papers, monographs, book chapters, translations, edit works, etc.) (2014—2018)
Journal articles
Hong Zhou、Guoping Li、Wanfa Lin Corporate social responsibility and credit spreads-Anempirical study in Chinese context Annals of Economics and Finance, SSCI 2016,1(17):81-106
Guoping Li、Hong Zhou The systematic politicization of China’s stock markets Journal of Contemporary China, SSCI 2016(25):422-437
Guoping Li、Hong Zhou Political connections and access to IPO markets in China China Economic Review, SSCI 2015,2(33):76-93
Hong Zhou、Guoping Li、Wanfa Lin A study on the relationship between short-term international capital flow and the volatility of China's stock market Annals of Economics and Finance, SSCI 2013,2(14):505-526
Book chapters, translations, edit works, etc.
Guoping Li/Junzhu Zhao Capital Development Report 2017 Science Press 30/11/2017
Guoping Li/Chenggen Zhao. Etc. Research on the Public Participation Strategy of China's Low Carbon Development People's Publishing House 1/4/2017
8. Teaching Experience(2014—2018)
09/01/2005-present Corporate Finance Compulsory Undergrate
09/01/2005-present Advanced Corporate Finance Theories Compulsory Master Students
09/01/2009-present Corporate Finance Compulsory MBA