Zhaoming XU
time :2019-06-14 18:56:36 source :


1. Contact Information

Name: Zhaoming XU

Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy):03/10/1971

Position: Professor

Phone: (86)13671171065



2. Education

2000.09-2003.07 Dongbei University of Financial & Economics College of Business Management & Administration PhD in Management

1997.09-2000.07 Shanxi University of Financial & Economics Department of Industrial Economy Master of Economics

1988.09-1992.07 Shanxi University of Financial & Economics Department of Business Economy Bachelor of Economics


3. Working Experiences(including both full time and part time job)

07/01/1992-09/01/1997. Shanxi Sugar and Wine Company State-owned Clerk

2003.7-now Cental University of Financial & Economics State-owned teacher

4. Main Research Fields

Human Resource Management


5. Research projects (2014—2018)

08/01/2012 2013-2016 Research on Collaborative Innovation and Assessment and Employment Intuitions of Teacher Ministry of Education ¥50,000


6. Publications (including journal articles, conference papers, monographs, book chapters, translations, edit works, etc.) (2014—2018)

Journal articles

Xu Zhaoming; Wang zhe; Qiao Yunxia The Trend of the Organizational Reform in the Collaborative Innovation of Colleges and Universities and Its Countermeasure Journal of higher Education Management 2013(11),15-19

Xu Zhaoming; Yang Xiaobo; Qiao Yunxia Coupling the Motivation Function Between the Pay for Performance and the Pay for Position, according to the University Characteristic China Higher Education 2011(19),12-14

Zhou Hong; Xu Zhaoming;Pen Lihua;Yang Mengmeng The Impact of Macroeconomic Uncertainty on the Chinese Corporate Bonds’Credit Risk———Based on the Panel Data of Months from 2007 to 2009 Accounting Research 2011(5),44-45

Yuan Dong; Xu Zhaoming China University’s Performance-Pay Reforming Chinese University Technology Transfer 2011(5),44-45

Book chapters, translations, edit works, etc.

Xu Zhaoming ;Zhang Chaipin; Chen Bingkai; Liu Jing “Education Consumerism” and University Teacher Teaching performance Assessment Publishing House of Electronics Industry 07/2015


7. Teaching Experience(2014—2018)

2011-2016 Compensation Management Compulsory undergraduate

2011-2016 Human Resource Management Compulsory MBA


11. Consulting Services(2014—2018)

2014/8-2014/9 Beijing Cement Factory State-owned Human Resource Management




上一条:Jianluan GUO
下一条:Fei ZHU


Address:MBA Education Center,Central University of Finance and Economics,39 Xueyuan South Road,Haidian District,Beijing(100081)
Copyright 2015@ MBA Education Center, Central University of Finance and Economics