Papers, cases, andreviewarticles:
Shubo Liu and Xiaoyuan Liu, 2020. Culture and green advertising preference: a comparative and critical discursive analysis. Frontiers in Psychology. In press.
Peng, Changgui. Liu Shubo. LV, Yuan. The Discursive Strategy of Legitimacy Management: A Comparative Case Study of Google and Apple's Crisis Communication Statements in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, forthcoming.
刘书博,罗真,胡刚。(2017)盘古餐饮——三大品牌、200 余家店、年入 10 亿,他靠“简单”二字做出了一家烤肉王国。中欧商业评论,2017 九月刊。
刘书博。(2017)作弊者的抱怨——Z 商学院学生作弊事件。全国管理案例中心。九月。
刘书博,刘统一。(2017)取消年费、拒绝传单:60 后创业老兵如何打造健身界的“7-11”。中欧商业评论,八月。
Feng, W, Yi L., Yi, Z., and Shubo Liu., (2016). The Interactive Effect of Authentic Leadership and Leader Competency on Followers’ Job Performance: The Mediating Role of Work Engagement. Journal of Business Ethics, Dec. (FT 45 Journal)
Tsai, Terence and Shubo Liu, (2016). VANCL: Growing Pain of a Chinese e-Platform Giant (A)(B)(C). CEIBS case, CEIBS Case Centre.
Tsai, Terence and Shubo Phillip Liu (2015). Mamma Mia! Made in China—Challenges in Developing the Musical Industry. Asian Case Research Journal, 2015, vol. 19, issue 02, pages 419-442.
刘书博,“善用破坏式人才”,商业评论,2015 年 12 月刊。
Young, M. N., Tsai, T., Wang, X., Liu, S., & Ahlstrom, D. (2014). Strategy in emerging economies and the theory of the firm. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 31(2), 331-354.
Tsai, Terence and Shubo Liu (2013). Developing a salesforce in China. FT article. 7th Jan 2013.
Tsai, Terence and Shubo Phillip Liu (2013). Mary Kay—Make Chinese Women Beautiful. CEIBS Case.
Tsai, Terence et al. (2013 Beijing Tianyu Communication Co. Ltd.: To Win in the 3G Era;Asian Case Research Journal, 17 (1): 123-143.
蔡舒恆,支维慵,刘书博. 2011. “妈妈咪呀”中国造:理想与现实。中欧商业评论, 11 月号。
蔡舒恆,支维慵,刘书博. 2011. “玫琳凯:本土化卓越运营”,中欧商业评论,9 月号。
Tsai, Terence and Shubo Phillip Liu (2011) Hong Kong Disneyland: Green Challenge. CaseResearch Journal. 15 (2): 177-200.
Jui-fen Rachel Lu, Tsai, Terence and Shubo Phillip Liu (2011) A Hospital Alliance: Taiwan Landseed Medical Alliance, Asian Case Research Journal. 15 (1): 123-148;
Tsai, Terence, Michael N. Young, Bor-Shiuan Cheng and Shubo Philip Liu. 2010. Sinyi Real Estate in China: The Challenges of Maintaining an Ethical Business Culture. Asian Case Research Journal. 4 (2): 1–27.
Tsai, Terence and Shubo Phillip Liu. 2010. Hunghom Peninsula in Hong Kong: A Realistic Call for Corporate Social Responsibilities (A)(B)(C). Asian Case Research Journal, 14 (1):1–24.
Tsai, Terence, Bor-Shiuan Cheng and Shubo Philip Liu. 2010. Sinyi Real Estate in Taiwan. CEIBS-Ivey case..
《绿海商机——化社会责任为企业竞争力》。2013。 蔡舒恒,刘书博。复旦大学出版社。Green Marketing. 2013. Tsai, T and Liu, S. Fudan University Press. (in Chinese)