







· 博士,2006.9-2011.1,香港科技大学,工业工程及物流管理系

(导师:曾明哲教授,副导师:Paul H. Zipkin教授)

· 硕士,2004.9-2006.7,清华大学,自动化系(导师:邹红星教授)

· 学士,2000.9-2004.7,北京邮电大学,双学位


· 教授,2018.11-至今,中央财经大学,北京

· 副教授,2013.11-2018.10,中央财经大学,北京

· 访问学者,2016.1-2016-2,南洋理工大学,新加坡

· 讲师,2011.7-2013.10,中央财经大学,北京

· 助理研究员,2011.2-2011.6,香港科技大学,香港

· 访问学者,2009.5-2009.10,杜克大学,美国

· 国际物流管理进修项目,2008.6-2008.8,麻省理工-萨拉戈萨物流研究中心,西班牙



[1] Dai, H.Y., Ling Ge.Platforms Matter An Empirical Study of the Efficiency of On-Demand Services.Information systems frontier (SCI). 2018. doi: 10.1007/s10796-018-9883-2

[2] Yan N., T, Tong, H.Y.Dai.Capital-constrainedsupply chain with multiple decision attributes: Decision optimization andcoordination analysis Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization (SCI).doi: 10.3934/jimo.2018125.

[3] HuangW.Y, Xiao Q., Dai H.Y., Yan N.N. Sales Forecast for O2O Services- Based onIncremental Random Forest Method. Proceedings of the 15th InternationalConference on Service Systems and Service Management (EI), Hangzhou, 1-5, 2018.

[4] 代宏砚,檀雅静,周伟华.库存不准确环境下考虑实时信息的供应链协同机制设计研究.管理工程学报(CSSCI). 228-,239,32(2),2018.

[5] DaiH.Y., Y. Liu, Y. Chang, S. Chen. A Design Methodology for Biomass Energy SupplyChains Based on Weighted K-Means Algorithm. Proceedings of 2017 IEEEInternational Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management(EI), Singapore, 1362-1366,2017.

[6] NinaYan, Ye Liu, Chongqing Liu, Hongyan Dai, Coordination in Supply Chain FinanceUnder CVaR Criteria. Proceedings of 2017 IEEE International Conference onIndustrial Engineering and Engineering Management (EI), Singapore, 455-459,2017.

[7] WeihuaZhou, Yaqi Pu,Dai H.Y, Qingwei Jin. Cooperative interconnectionsettlement among ISPs through NAP. European Journal of Operational Research(SCI). 256(3) 2016. 991–1003.

[8]DaiH.Y., J.Li, N.Yan, W. Zhou. Bullwhip effect and supply chain costs with low- andhigh-quality information on inventory shrinkage. European Journal ofOperational Research(SCI),250(2),2016.457-469.

[9]Dai,H. Y., LingGe, Weihua Zhou. A design method for supply chain traceability systems withaligned interests. International Journal of Production Economics(SCI). 2015. 170. 14-24.

[10]Dai,H.Y.,NanYang, Nina Yan,APricing Strategy to Align Supply Chain Interests for Product Recall,Proceedings of 2015 IEEEInternational Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management(EI),285-289,2015.12.6-2015.12.8.

[11]Dai,H. Y., M.M. Tseng, P. H. Zipkin. Design of Traceability Systems for Product Recall.International Journal of Production Research(SCI)2015. 53(2), 511-531.

[12] Chen, Songlin; Wu, Shuli; Zhang,Xiaojin;Dai, H.Y, An Evolutionary Approach for Product Line Adaptation.International Journal of Production Research (SCI). 52(20), 5932-5944, 2014.

[13] Yan, N. N;Dai, H.Y.Sun, B. Optimal bi-level Stackelberg strategies for supply chain financingwith both capital-constrained buyers and sellers. Applied Stochastic Models in Businessand Industry (SCI). 2014,30(6):783-796.

[14]代宏砚,张然子,张津,赵犁.信息共享程度对我国服装供应链库存成本的影响.运筹与管理(CSSCI). 23(5), 147-154.2014.

[15]Dai, H. Y., Jing Xu. Collaborativedesign of RFID systems for multi-purpose supply chainapplications. Journal of System Science and System Engineering (SCI), 2013. 22/2,152-170.

[16]代宏砚,陈志康,周伟华.多级供应链中库存不准确性对牛鞭效应的影响.管理工程学报. 2013, 27(2), 195-201.

[17]Dai,H Y., M.M. Tseng. The Impacts of RFID Implementation on Reducing Inventory Inaccuracyin a Multi-stage Supply Chain. International Journal of Production Economics (SCI).2012, 139 (2), 634–641.

[18]Dai,H. Y., M.M. Tseng, M. M. Monsreal. Design Considerations for Supply Chain TrackingSystems. Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science. JohnWiley & Sons , 2010, 1326 – 1335.

[19]MonsrealM. M.,H. Y. Dai, M. M. Tseng, D. L. Brock. Tracking Technologies in theSupply Chain. Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science.John Wiley & Sons , 5512 - 5525. 2010.

[20]Dai,H. Y., M.M. Tseng. Determination of Production Lot Size and DC Location inManufacturer-DC-Retailer Supply Chains.Intentional Journalof Logistics Systems andManagement, 2011, 8(3), 284 -297.

[21]Dai,H. Y., M.M. Tseng. The RFID Impacts on Lead Time Compression in a Serial ManufacturingSystem. Proceeding of the 3rd World Conference on Production and OperationsManagement, Tokyo, 2008,August 5-8,1029-1039.


[1] Dai,H.Y., P. Liu. Capacity planning for O2O on-demand delivery systems withcrowd-sourcing.Annuals of operations research(SCI), 2nd round review, 2018.

[2] Dai,H.Y., Liu Y.L., Yan., N.N, Zhou,Weihua. In-house or crowd-sourcing drivers?Optimal staffing for online-to-offline on-demand delivery systems. Asia-PacificJournal of Operational Research(SCI), 1stround review, 2018.

[3] Dai,H.Y., Tao, J.W., Jiang H.,W.W. Chen. O2O on-demand delivery with crowd-sourceddrivers: impact of human behaviors on optimizing order assignment and routing. EuropeanJournal of Operational Research(SCI), 1st round review, 2018.

[4] DaiH.Y, Weihua, Zhou, Weihua. Crowdsourcing delivery efficiency and motivatingmechanism: An empirical research of the O2O on-demand delivery system. InternationalJournal of Production Economics (SCI), 1st round review, 2018.


1. 大数据驱动的O2O即时物流管理与决策研究,国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目(批准号:91646125), 2017.01-2019.12.主持人.

2. 互联网环境下首都O2O即时物流网络中的众包管理模式研究,北京自然科学基金面上项目, (批准号,9172017),2017.01-2019.12.主持人.

3. 众包模式下的O2O即时物流网络规划研究,中央财经大学“青年英才”培育支持计划(批准号:QYP1607), 2016.11-2018.12.主持人

4. 基于协同、量化准则的多级分散供应链追溯系统的设计研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目(批准号:71202124), 2013.01-2015.12.主持人.

5. 数据驱动的在线供应链金融系统融合机制研究:基于行为运营的视角,国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 71872200),2019.01-2022.12.

6. 奈特不确定环境下配送企业的碳减排行为与新能源汽车的推广策略,教育部人文社科基金项目(17YJC630027),2017.07-2019.12.

7. 新能源汽车和燃油汽车竞争视角下城市配送车辆的通行政策研究,国家社会科学基金项目(18BGL217), 2018.06-2020.12.

8. Knight不确定环境下战略性外包的价格协商与合同选择研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目(批准号:71201177), 2013.01-2015.12.

9. 不完美资本市场下中小企业供应链金融的风险与决策研究:基于MCDM的视角, 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 71372191),2014.01-2017.12.

10. An Investigation of Recommendation Approach for Custom Product Specification, supported by Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (No. 620609), 2010.01-2012.12.

11. An Investigation of Probability-Based Configuration Design, supported by Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (No. 620308), 2009.01-2010.12.

12. Staged Commitment of Order Specifications for Custom Products, supported by Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (No. 620507), 2007.07-2009.06.


1. 研究性教学方法在《供应链管理》课程教学中的实践,中央财经大学教改项目,2018.5-2019.5.主持

2. 2018年在线开放课程建设-运营管理,中央财经大学教改项目,2018.7-2019.6.


1. 代宏砚(1/3), Platforms Matter: An Empirical Studyof the Efficiency of On-Demand Services,第十七次中国物流学术年会优秀论文奖三等奖,2018.

2. 代宏砚(1/3),库存不准确环境下考虑实时信息的供应链协同机制设计研究,中国物流学会,一等奖,第十六次中国物流学术年会优秀论文奖,2017。

3. 代宏砚(1/4), Bullwhip effect andsupply chain costs with low- and high-quality information on inventoryshrinkage,中国物流学会,优秀奖,第十五次中国物流学术年会优秀论文奖,2016。

4. 代宏砚(1/3),A design method for supplychain traceability systems with aligned interests,中国物流学会,优秀奖,第十四次中国物流学术年会优秀论文奖,2015。

5. 代宏砚(1/3),Design of TraceabilitySystems for Product Recall,中国物流学会,第十三次中国物流学术年会优秀论文奖,优秀奖,2014。

6. 代宏砚(1/2),Collaborative design ofRFID systems for multi-purpose supply chain applications,中国物流学会,第十二次中国物流学术年会优秀论文奖,三等奖,2013。

7.代宏砚(1/2),The Impacts of RFIDImplementation on Reducing Inventory Inaccuracy in a Multi-stage Supply Chain,中国物流学会,第十一次中国物流学术年会优秀论文奖,二等奖,2012。


1. 会议:2018 Informs International,Taipei,17-20 June,2018

题目:Human behaviors in O2O on-demand delivery Orderassignment and routing with crowd-sourced drivers

2. 会议:2018 POMS, Houston, USA , 4-7,May, 2018

题目:In-house or crowd-sourcing drivers Optimal staffingfor online-to-offline on-demand delivery systems

3. 会议:2017 POMS, Seattle, USA(session chair)

题目:The impacts of information system integration on theefficiency of on-demand delivery

4. 受邀讲座:香港恒生管理学院,香港, 7-8 July, 2017

题目:Capacity planning for O2O on-demand delivery systemswith crowd-sourcing

5. 会议:2016 MSOM, Auckland, NewZealand (session chair)

题目:Bullwhip effect and supplychain costs with low- and high-quality information on inventory shrinkage

6. 受邀讲座:新加坡南洋理工大学,新加坡

题目:The opportunities andchallenges of Internet of Things in China

7. 会议:2015 IEEM InternationalConference, Singapore

题目:A Pricing Strategy toAlign Supply Chain Interests for Product Recall

8. 会议: 2013年随机服务与运作管理学术年会,天津,中国


9. 会议:Informs InternationalMeeting 2012, Beijing, China

题目:Design of TraceabilitySystems for Supply Chain Management

10. 会议: Informs Annual Meeting2010, Austin, USA

题目: Design of TraceabilitySystems for Product Recall

11. 会议: NSF CMMI GranteesConference 2009, Hawaii, USA

题目: The Impacts of RFIDImplementation on Reducing Inventory Inaccuracy in a Multi-stage Supply Chain

12. 会议: POMS Annual Meeting2008, San Diego, USA

题目:RFID Justification in Multi-StageSupply Chains Subject to Inventory Inaccuracy through Reducing InformationDistortion Amplification


1. 数据驱动的京东到家需求预测研究,京东到家,2017.7-至今

2. 国家电网公司物力集约化管理框架研究,国家电网公司咨询项目,2013.4-2014.6

3. 生物质能源供应链构建研究,中国工程院咨询研究项目,2013.1-2013.12

4. 物联网系统规划及评估研究,镇江市科技计划项目,2012.06-2013.06

5. 应用RFID及相关技术为进出口货物提供全流程质量监管回溯信息服务,香港货品编码协会&广东检验检疫局, 2009.4-2011.4.

6. 埃森哲中国供应链中心零售业供应链认证课程设计,埃森哲咨询有限公司, 2008.6-2008.7

7. Esquel集团全球供应链选址战略,美国斯坦福大学&Esquel集团, 2007.12-2008.3

8. AI/SM生产线优化配置及成本控制,香港Astec有限公司,2007.1-2007.6

9. 基于google地图将网络内容和新闻地点可视化,美国麻省理工大学,2006.8-2006.11


1. 中央财经大学,2011-2017,讲师:物理网技术及应用,供应链管理,物流管理,物流信息技术,管理研究方法,管理学原理,运营管理

2. 香港科技大学,2010-2011,讲师:杭州市企业领导素质提升班

3. 香港科技大学,2007-2010,助教:全球供应链管理(与斯坦福大学共同开办课程),工业制造过程,产品设计及信息沟通


国际期刊审稿:European Journal ofOperational Research(SCI),InternationalJournal of Production Research(SCI),International Journal of Production and Economics(SCI), Transportation ResearchPart E:Logistics andTransportation Review(SCI),International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics (SSCI).



